As well as being an artist, I am also an art curator. It all started in 2018 when I started opening my own home every May to put on mixed art exhibitions as part of Artists Open Houses.

My main motivation was to exhibit and promote my own artwork but it also came from my passion for collecting arts and crafts. I loved the idea of bringing together work that I love under one roof, so I began to build up an ever-growing network of local artists and makers who I would have exhibiting as guest artists with me.

After putting five shows on in my home from 2018 through to 2021, in November 2022, I was given the amazing opportunity to temporarily re-locate into a commercial space which I named ‘The Studio Gallery’. Here I was able to truly develop my skills as a curator, having more space to exhibit and display the work that I love. With the help of a small team of my mother and a friend who also regularly exhibit with me, I put on four successful pop-up shows in this space from November 2022 to May 2024.

Now that this chapter has come to an end, plans are in the pipeline for my next art exhibition in May 2025 which you can follow the progress of here